Monday, November 11, 2019

Peaceful Place

Peaceful Place is a gorgeous stamp set that has lots of detail in it. Sometimes that detail can be overwhelming thinking you have to color it all in. For this card, I stamped the stream and trees in Early Espresso ink and then used sponges to add the green, blue and yellow colors to it. It's not perfect as far as where the color all goes but gives enough color in the right spots to be colored. It was very simple because of the sponges. (I cut my sponges into 8ths so that I have 8 wedges to use.)

I didn't color the main image at all on this card! I stamped it in Old Olive ink. The squirrel was water colored using an Aqua Painter but it's only 2 colors and they were already on my table because they are the colors for all three of my cards.

I did color in on this card. I used the Water Color Pencils. It can be fun and therapeutic to color once in a while too! I tend to forget about the pencils. This card turned out to have a tranquil feel to it, which works well with the saying on it.

Don't let those detailed stamps scare you. They have gotten me in the past but I have been working on remembering that I don't have to color but can if I want!

Happy Stampin'!
 photo signature 2_zps5xg3zfyo.png
Card 1:

Product List

Card 2:

Product List

Card 3:

Product List

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